Thursday, November 29, 2012

The big twenty-two!!

Birthday Time!! 22!
Wow what to say.... I'm now 22... weird... I still get comments once a day asking me what high school I go to. They are even more shocked when I say that I am not only not in high school, but that I am married! I love the reactions.. Hey at least when I am old I will still look young.. that is a plus. Let's hope it turns out that way.. watch one day I will just age 15 years! Well I am grateful where my life is at right now. I have the greatest husband and we happily live in Nashville, which is our new home! Home is where your husband is :) 

I have the sweetest husband. He does NOT cook much... or at all.... but he made this cake for me with no other help! That really meant a lot to have him go out of his way to make a beautiful cake! That made my birthday right there! I am so grateful to have such a thoughtful husband!

We were able to go to the lake before the sun set. It was the perfect timing to go.. the lake was beautiful and the sun just make the night seem perfect. You don't get to see the sunset much in Nashville.... If you do it's only for a second and then you go down a hill and it's gone. While we were at the lake we got to feed the birds.... they were like vultures more than birds and looked like velociraptors!! They were charging us to get our bread. I was screaming every time they got close and would throw the bread far so that they would stop charging. I was afraid they were going to peck on my legs or on my fingers! 

What do you think about these ear muffs?? Should I get them?? We were shopping a little before dinner! Luckily I didn't buy these....A little too big! After shopping we went to Chilies one of my favorite places!! I love chips and salsa almost more than I love sleeping. Then we went to our house to play games with our friends! What a great way to spend the day! Thanks for all the birthday wishes and fun times! love you all! oxox

Monday, November 26, 2012

How it's done in Nashville

Ben and his dad at their new office in Nashville!! It's awesome to have their own place downtown where they can write and play music!!

In the recording studio listening to the final cut of their music! This was my first time seeing what goes into creating one song! There are so many steps... I had no idea. I appreciate musicians and song writers so much more.
And this is how it's done. This is each part of the song (lyrics, guitar, bass... everything). It was awesome to see these engineers do their job...

                                               Downtown on a Saturday night.
 We love going to Roberts! 
 It's one of the best places to be... 
great food and great music all night!

To purchase Truman mucus go to iTunes and check out Truman!!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Yummy Lime Salsa

Just made this amazing salsa! So easy and so delicious!

1 Tomatoes
1 Avocado
1 Onions
2-3 drops of Lime Oil
Pinch of Salt and Pepper

Dice tomatoes, avocado, onions into a small bowl. After mixing all the ingredients together add a pinch of salt and pepper. Then add 2-3 drops of Lime oil and mix. After this it's ready to serve at any party.

I love using the lime oil because I don't have to cut or squeeze any limes! I always hated that part...all I do is add a couple drops! love it!! Hope you will too!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Took me a while to get up these pictures! Happy Halloween! This is our finished product...Of course we did the Apple symbol because Ben loves Apple! Good family night at Wendee's

One of the things I found on Pinterest. It turned out really well! All I did was put water into a glove, then put a rubber band around it... then stuck it in the freezer. After it was all frozen I cut of the glove and it was ready to go! An easy way to make the punch spooky!

Another thing I found online. These were a little more time consuming... but not too bad. I just got some old bottles from Goodwill  (D.I.) and stuck a candle inside and let it melt. I had a good time making these.. Halloween decorations are fun to make!! I'm saving them for next year too!

Ben and I dressed up as characters from our favorite comedies! I was Amanda Bynes in She's the Man If you haven't seen it you'll love it! It was different acting like a guy.. but Ben seemed to like it.. jk.  Ben was "number 4" from Multiplicity  These show gets quoted all day at the Truman home. This was one of my favorite outfits and I know it was Ben's as well.

So during the party I leaned over to kiss Ben and he was a little freaked out... He couldn't get over the wig.... I guess I play a good man!

The gang at the party! Such a great night! We ate tons that night! We Played Body Body and Mafia. Some awesome games with a big group! Same thing next year.. just more game time! ( all our Utah friend are invited... so get flights now! )   :)

Monday, November 5, 2012

Athens of the South

Ben and I were able to go exploring downtown! I had no idea this building was in the middle of Nashville. This is a full-scale replica of the Parthenon in Greece. Built in the late 1800's, it was first made of wood and was only supposed to be temporary, but the people loved it so much they decided to keep it. Later in the 1930's, they tore it down and rebuilt it out of stone. Today it is one of the most iconic buildings in Nashville and goes along with city's  nickname,  "Athens of the South".

We were so excited we got see the Parthenon... Felt like we were really in Greece.. If only.
So in this hall I made Ben race me and of course he won. We also played football around the outside.  Ben's trying to teach me a little more about throwing haha! I'm getting the hang of it. There is a great park surrounding the whole Parthenon, which makes it easy to play football.

Come visit and see a little piece of Greece for a lot cheaper price:) 

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